As unfortunate as the naming misdirection is, I have to say: LDAC sounds significantly better (to me) than other Bluetooth codecs I have tried. It also works on Linux and android with no issues whatsoever. Open source is good.
I use it with a pair of Sony XM5’s, which can also be used in wired mode, so you kind of get the best of both worlds.
Are you using the Hifi Power Cable to? Very important to have
I highly doubt that. Do a proper ABx test (such as the one on I have yet to meet someone who can pass the tests with a reasonable degree of accuracy.
Do you mean
You highly doubt my personal experience?
Yes, because I have been an audio engineer for over two decades now. Show me someone who can reliably pass the iTunes test. Science does not care about your subjective personal experience.
Ok boomer
That would hurt my feelings if I wasn’t a millennial lmao.
Seriously, though, your failure to even attempt to have a discussion tells me you have the discipline/intellect of a 14 y/o Ipad kid who learns everything from chatgpt.