It’s very simple and straight to the point. It shows you everything you need without stuff you don’t need. McMaster Carr is just an overall good company.
I am not a mechanical engineer. I just love going to all the stuff on this site and seeing what I could potentially make.
Note, I have never made anything that isn’t made of wood, Lego bricks, paper, or paracord. Lol.
Yep, their site is a marvel of organization and refreshing in how minimalist it has remained. These days it seems every e-commerce site hits you with email sign up pop-ups, sales banners, etc.
The shipping rates will shock you but yes, you can find so many useful things on this site.
True but almost everything is next-day
You beat me to it!
Oh my god they made it an SPA. Oh my GOD it actually works.
Bravo McMaster.
What’s an SPA ?
Single page application
I went to one of their branches to pick up an order for some stuff that was obscenely expensive to ship because it was only like 45m away from me at the time (I’ve since moved, unfortunately). The building was basically just like a desk and then you could see all the logistics going on behind it. Like I don’t think people typically come pick stuff up. It was wild, so much shit going on at once, and gigantic
Have no idea about what that company is about. Presses link. Ahh… That’s what they do
Agree where customer friendly website
Their prefetching game is actually crazy