It doesn’t matter. If the CD/DVD works, copy it immediately. If not, so sorry.
or just pirate it whenever.
Yeah seriously; never understood why a certain sector of people obsess over backing up their personal media, when you can literally download a perfect copy straight from the internet with no effort on your part. Especially when it comes to widely-available media like popular Hollywood films or video games that sold well. Just grab a torrent and toss the disc.
Because these people often don’t want to pirate. In Germany the government now fines you for piracy, using a common VPN isn’t enough anymore. Then there are other factors such as remasters and changes.
Fight Club, The Matrix, The Terminator and Star Wars are all popular films but there are several versions out there with different color grades and special effects. So I completely understand why this subset of people would want to keep their version of the movie.
Fight Club, The Matrix, The Terminator and Star Wars
Yes, and you can find perfect exact copies of all versions of these movies if you look in the right places
Shockingly good news from a media corp. Paramount would just steal your discs and tell you to pound sand
For those saying “just pirate it” some people like the option of physical media and have moral qualms about piracy. This is actually a good thing WB is doing. Just let people have their DVDs
I totally understand the desire to own physical media and agree that WB is doing the right thing here, but optical media is terrible means of preserving media. If your discs are suffering from disc rot, you really shouldn’t lose sleep over making or “sourcing” your own local digital copies.
be ye shill or bootlicker, may thou be cast at great speed into our Goddess and saviour Sol
Fuck off, these people already own it at this point, so there is no such moral qualms. They paid for it. As for physical media, do you think only these companies can burn ISOs to DVD???
If you own the physical DVD, fair use allows you to own a backup copy, so torrenting it in that case would not be unethical nor illegal.
I have bought then pirated media like this in many instances, usually because piracy is a better user experience, once because outdated DRM completely broke
You’re allowed to make your own backup, but I’m pretty sure downloading somebody else’s backup is still illegal? First time I’ve seen someone suggest otherwise, would love more details about the actual laws.
I’m not a law talking guy, but from my understanding of it, downloading isn’t illegal. But if you’re torrenting it, you’re uploading bits of it to others while you’re downloading. That would be distributing it to others, so that’s copyright infringement.
So if you could find a way to download something without uploading anything, you’d be fine. Kinda like if someone uploads copyright infringing material to youtube. You’re not going to get into hot water for watching that video, but the person who uploaded is.
It is illegal to download. If you want back ups, then you need to back it up on your own - this includes physical games as well - like NES and such.