I’ve searched around and can’t find this but it seems like someone must have created this already. I am hoping to find a self-hosted image resizer app. I frequently need to take photos from my phone (etc…) and make them small enough to post online.
For instance, my lemmy instance (lemm.ee) only allows images in posts if they are smaller than 500KB but my phone’s photos are always larger than that.
In a perfect world, I could just browse to a local server app, upload an image, select a size to resize it to, hit Go and then download the smaller image. It doesn’t have to allow any other editing and it shouldn’t store images long-term. I want to self-host so I don’t have to upload my images to random web sites I know nothing about.
I would be happy with a FOSS desktop app I can install in linux too, but then I couldn’t access it from my phone. The Android apps I found for this either look scammy or include tons of ads.
Anyone know of such a thing? Thanks!
Thank you for the great suggestions. I’ve installed Image Toolbox on my Android phone and that looks great. It both has a ton of tools but also makes this resizing task very straightforward. Not sure how I never found that before.
But for my desktop, I started writing a PHP app to run in my existing nginx web server. It runs the suggested ffmpeg command under the hood, and since I am the only user on this server, this works very well for me.
That’s working now so I am going to tweak a few things and then use it for a while. (Before anyone asks, I started based on the Python recs here, but couldn’t get it working (PIP couldn’t add Flask because PIP couldn’t find PIP???) and so switched to PHP since my local server was already using that from another home-made app. This (PHP) was not as hard as I was afraid it would be, with help from Duck Duck Go’s AI chat bot.
I used my php app to shrink this file!
Thank y’all - this is resolved now.
Image toolbox on Android is phenomenal.
Does exactly what you needs, and a tonne more.
Do you use a gallery app you like? I’m kind of sick of Google photos. I always have to “save a copy” when editing and it also separates my photos in a dumb way.
I’d like something simple that isn’t trying to sell me something (storage)
The Fossify one is decent
Thanks for showing me this I didn’t know fossify existed
Actually perfect no fancy add ons just pics!
I’m having an issue when viewing videos with it though - for some reason it won’t let me set fossify gallery as the default video viewer so everytime I have to click it after clicking on a video. Do you know how to set the default video app to fossify?
I thought it might be in settings but I don’t see it. For me, I got an option for “just this one” vs “always” when I tried to open a video, and it seems to be remembering that.
You could try backing up any settings and resetting the app to see if you get anything different, although it really should let you pick a default at any point
I figured it out thanks! For some reason I had to restart my phone and it finally worked.
At first it wouldn’t update to fossify when I tried, so everytime it would only give me the everytime/just this once toggle for Google photos.