Hi guys!
I have what I’d consider a beefy gaming PC. AMD 7700 CPU, 32GB RAM, 7800XT 16GB, NVMe 1TB for OS, mSATA SSD 2TB for storage/games.
So…whenever I get a while using the computer, with a bunch of windows open, say firefox taking 4GB of RAM, total for everything a bit over 16GB…I’m prone to get a whole system slowdown/freeze, which can take a few full minutes until it settles. I can see the storage red led on the whole time without blinking, so it really looks like swapping.
However sometimes I don’t see movements in the system process viewer, in usage from RAM/swap, I’d imagine those graphs would change if the data in swap has changed.
Swapping is set in the mSATA, taking 8GB, so I reckon that migth not be the fastest. Still, that’s an SSD. I’m not sure how can I check/troubleshoot whatever is tanking my computer performance?
Been enjoying Linux for ~25 years, but have never been happy with how it handled low memory situations. Swapping have always killed the system, tho it have improved a little. It’s been a while since I’ve messed with it. I’ve buckled up and are using more ram now, but afair, you can play with:
(0. reduce running software, and optimize them for less memory, yada yada)
EDIT: 6. when NOT gaming, add some of your vram as swap space. Its much faster than your ssd. Search github or your repository for ‘vram cache’ or something like that. It works via opencl, so everyone with dedicated vram can use it as super fast cache. Perhaps others can remember the name/link ?
Something like that anyway, others will know more about each point.
Also, perhaps ask an AI to create a small interface for you to fiddle with vm settings and cgroups in an automated/permanent way ? just a quick thought. Good luck.