ROCm SOCm robots?
I made this joke to people who work for AMD. I was a bit shocked that it hadn’t occurred to them :D
“Open Compute” being trademarked is pretty ironic
This seems to be a non-profit
FSFOSI would have trademarked “Open Source” if they could.TLDR: ROCM is AMD’s variant for general purpose compute on GPUs, like CUDA is for NVIDIA.
OpenAI being for profit.
I use ROCM extensively (I write, design and train my own AIs/LLMs) and it’s annoying of an acronym, especially in command lines:
--rocm- --cuda
But I figure it’s a four letter acronym to match “CUDA”.
I also pronounce it “Rock’em” in verbal versus “Koo’dah” (Barracuda).
Everything is about marketing and goodwill. You can just say something has “blast processing” and fail to elaborate.