Government providing money to create innovative new tech and make it available at a lowe cost to their constituents
Manipulating the prices to be lower
I just wanted to point out the pervasiveness of capitalist propaganda here. They’re not manipulating prices, they’re helping their people. It just so happens that our capitalistic systems don’t do well when someone helps their neighbor because then we can’t abuse them.
Now don’t get me wrong though, I’m not gonna sit here and tell you the Chinese government does no wrong. But in just this particular case I think we’re picking the wrong battle
I just wanted to point out the pervasiveness of capitalist propaganda here. They’re not manipulating prices, they’re helping their people. It just so happens that our capitalistic systems don’t do well when someone helps their neighbor because then we can’t abuse them.
Now don’t get me wrong though, I’m not gonna sit here and tell you the Chinese government does no wrong. But in just this particular case I think we’re picking the wrong battle