I set it to debug at somepoint and forgot maybe? Idk, but why the heck does the default config of the official Docker is to keep all logs, forever, in a single file woth no rotation?
Feels like 101 of log files. Anyway, this explains why my storage recipt grew slowly but unexpectedly.
The AIO container is so terrible, like, that’s not how you’re supposed to use Docker.
It’s unclear whether OP was using that or saner community containers, might just be the AIO one.
I have lost now not hours, but days debugging their terrible AIO container. Live production code stored in persistent volumes. Scattered files around the main drive in seemingly arbitrary locations. Environment variables that are consistently ignored/overrided. It’s probably my number one example of worst docker containers and what not to do when designing your container.
Be too, and I went back to the standalone community container
Wait there’s a community one?
I meant this one: https://hub.docker.com/_/nextcloud