First. Thank you a lot for developing Connect. I like it the most from the first day. After the second update (month ago) I have issues 1, a month ago issue 2, and since a few weeks issue 3:

1.) With one of the the first Updates the letters of the maintext are a bit small and narrow, you can make the text bigger in the settings, but then the bottom and/or menu text is too big. Would be great to have more different fontsizes to choose in the settings.

2.) And only 3 instances are working for me. With 4 instances it has a log in problem (2x Guest, 2x with Account). With 4 instances he switches to this user - see screenshot.

3.) After one of the last updates media is often not loading - see second screenshot.

Sorry for the long post and my bad English - it’s not my first language. Here’s a potatoe. 🥔