Absolutely, copyright or patent, not both. Though if, and only if, they function identically in duration, I wouldn’t see the downside of having both other than additional expenses actually filing for both
Absolutely, copyright or patent, not both. Though if, and only if, they function identically in duration, I wouldn’t see the downside of having both other than additional expenses actually filing for both
Copyright is a good idea. It was just stretched beyond all reasonable expectations. Copyright should work like Patents. 15 years. You get one, and only one, 15 year extension. At either the 15 or 30 year mark, the work enters the public domain.
Shit, save your $$$ and get some GPUs since the market would crash.
I say this as an education major, and former teacher. That being said, please keep fighting your PTA on this.
We didn’t get actually useful information in high school, partially because our parents didn’t think there was anything wrong with the curriculum.
I’m absolutely certain that there are multiple subjects that you may have skipped out on, if you’d had any idea that civics, shop, home economics, and maybe accounting were going to be the closest classes to “real world skills that all non collegate educated people still need to know.”
Ironic that he referenced Carnegie. Carnegie and Rockefeller were so terrified of the public that Rockefeller refused to leave his mansion for years at a time, and Carnegie fled to England, where he publicly supported Unions, but privately told Frick to squash the strikers. That blew up in his face, and he had to capitulate to all the demands the workers had.
Someone’s been playing All Will Fall