Yep. Like a map website…
Yep. Like a map website…
You still need signal reconditioning for fibre too, which needs power…
I know where you’re coming from, but not everywhere is populated enough, so these alternatives exist.
You’d need signal boosters at regular intervals, which need power… so now you’re running multiple cables.
But you can’t run them too close together as the power will induce noise in the data cable.
And after a long distance even the power needs boosting.
And to protect the cables, you’d need to bury them or put them on poles. Separately.
At a certain point, cable becomes the expensive option…
Ahh, didn’t look into that, I’ll have to check if I can remove some redundant addons.
Had a family member complaining that they couldn’t access “the internet” and found that they only clicked ads on google searches…
Yeah, I’m using Vivaldi too and getting concerned about UBO’s lifespan…
I also have pfBlockerNG running in my firewall, which blocks a load too, but not looking forwards to the future…
Digital Autonomy with RISC-V in Europe
They really tried hard to make an acronym fit…
A bit like SHIELD
And clean up the crime scene…