If you’re on Debian Stable you might have a version of Thunderbird that doesn’t have this feature, since software there is a bit “outdated”. Next stable (trixie) releases in few months though.
If you’re on Debian Stable you might have a version of Thunderbird that doesn’t have this feature, since software there is a bit “outdated”. Next stable (trixie) releases in few months though.
The problem with that is when you have some computer on the LAN that is running Windows, it doesn’t always work and who the fuck knows why.
Original Diablo or Diablo 2 (not sure about the latter though, haven’t played it yet, lol)
They better don’t attack too much, because all of the internet is built on FOSS infrastructure, and they might stop working, lol.
Yeah, but will updates work? And even if they do, what’s stopping Microsoft in disabling them somehow?
Nowadays if you want to have usable Windows installation you need to use a bunch of 3rd party scripts that might break on next update. Learning Linux is easier than this shit.
I can’t wait for someone to ask me how to solve some shit in Windows, and me saying that I don’t have patience for this crap.
I am using Debian stable, since I no longer care about having latest stuff and the whole Debian-like ecosystem is what I am the most familiar with. As for Ubuntu I never had good experience with it, with random crashes all the time last time I used it (about 10-12 years ago), and when I tried it last year, I encountered random crashes in GNOME apps just after finishing setup.
Linux Mint (regular or LMDE) is what I’d probably install on other people computers though. Literally never had problems with it (used it about 10 years ago on a netbook).