and yet the ad servers want to blame the end user for adblocking. not their absolute refusal to moderate or police any of the content they deliver.
This is the American way. You try to shit blame elsewhere so noone puts the onus on you to improve so you can keep a larger portion of the profit. “Fuck you I got mine” should be printed on our money lol
Listen scro, Imm just tryin to keep the people from gettin deaded
Now to make it worse, ask this, “If the corporation did 10 times this amount of damage, but to the general citizens of the country, how many people would go to jail?”
That’s right 0 people would go to jail! And they would only be fined for no more than 10% of the profit they made while doing it. Maybe someone like a jr director of operations gets tossed in jail, but he wasnt really apart of the club.
And how our legal system is setup to best defend the wealthy.
“Are you waiting to receive my limp penis!?”