I get it but I don’t really mind when it’s a very old game. It’s not like your copy of R6 siege has that much value many years after release.
Same goes for OW.
I get it but I don’t really mind when it’s a very old game. It’s not like your copy of R6 siege has that much value many years after release.
Same goes for OW.
That’s not fair to change the system only when businesses require it. I received a fuckin’ letter from a government entity where I live for having downloaded the trash tier movie “Demolition”.
I agree copyright and patents are bad but it’s so infuriating that only the rich and powerful can choose not to respect it.
So I think openAI has to pay because as of now that shitty copyright and patent system is still there and has hurt many individuals around the world.
We should try to change the laws for copyright but after the big businesses pay their due.
They are not releasing anything of value in open source recently.
Sam altman said they were on the wrong side of history about this when deepseek released.
They are not open anymore I want that to be clear. They decided to stop releasing open source because 💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵.
So yeah I can have huge fines for downloading copyrighted material where I live, and they get to make money out of that same material without even releasing anything open source? Fuck no.
I would argue it’s a security issue not to have any ad blocking. Many scams online start with popups or fake ads.
So if you get the opportunity to talk to IT that’s what I would mention.
I bought OW at release and it’s one of the best value I ever got in gaming.
The game was around 40€ many years ago and I had all heroes since release, plenty of lootboxes and skins. And I played hundreds of hours on it. Yes they killed their game in the recent years but that doesn’t mean I didn’t get any value from it. I honestly think they were pretty generous for the first years considering it wasn’t price at 60€ like some CoD.