That’s not the source of the image, this post on reddit is older so it’s been circulating since before that, so probably not the person in the photo, but hard to tell with all the soap foam 😅
That’s not the source of the image, this post on reddit is older so it’s been circulating since before that, so probably not the person in the photo, but hard to tell with all the soap foam 😅
Zuckerberg is evil, but do you really want his wealth transferred to the RIAA? 😅
I don’t get why they test it with half life 2. Almost all those examples look better with what they’re demonstrating turned off, and it already had really good lighting for the most part, so the difference that RTX adds is very subtle.
They should focus on building support for more games that had simpler real-time lighting instead of leaving of leaving it to the community. I tried using thier tools with Far Cry 1 and it was far too complicated and janky to get working.