I’m the expert in this situation and I’m getting tired explaining to Jr Engineers and laymen that it is a media hype train.
I worked on ML projects before they got rebranded as AI. I get to sit in the room when these discussion happen with architects and actual leaders. This is Hype. Anyone who tells you other wise is lying or selling you something.
I work in an extremely related field and spend my days embedded into ML/AI projects. I’ve seen teams make some cool stuff and I’ve seen teams make crapware with “AI” slapped on top. I guarantee you that you are wrong.
There’s the thing- you can go look this information up. You don’t have to guess. This information is readily available to you.
LLMs work by agreeing with you and stringing together coherent text in patterns the recognize from huge samples. It’s not particularly impressive and is far, far closer to the initial chat bots from last century than they do real GAI or some sort of singularity. The limits we’re at now are physical. Look up how much electricity and water it takes just to do trivial queries. Progress has plateaued as it frequently does with tech like this. That’s okay, it’s still a neat development. The only big takeaway from LLMs is that agreeing with people makes them think you’re smart.
In fact, LLMs are a glorified Google at higher levels of engineering. When most of the stuff you need to do doesn’t have a million stack overflow articles to train on it’s going to be difficult to get an LLM to contribute in any significant way. I’d go so far to say it hasn’t introduced any tool I didn’t already have. It’s just mildly more convenient than some of them while the costs are low.