Vivaldi is an employee owned cooperative
Black belt in Mikado, Photo model, for the photos where they put under ‘BEFORE’
Vivaldi is an employee owned cooperative
It’s mainly the price nowadaysm eg, Google and M$ have the biggest FOSS catalogues out there, doft full with their tracking APIs, GitHub is owned by M$, even Facebook develope a lot of FOSS, same Amazon and other big corporations. Yes, feedom that everybody can use this products, same as also Freeware, proprietary or not. Freedom has nothing to do with this. The only freedom a normal user have is that he can fork FOSS, but only if he have the needed skills, if not, he have to trust the author and his intentions. Are you capable to audit a big complex soft and to fork and maintan it to your like? In this case, congrats.
We currently see the trust of FOSS in Firefox from Mozilla, turning in an advertising company, we see it in Brave sharing data with fishy crypto companies. FOSS distributed with dozends of different licenses, more o less restrictives and even copyrights. The current definition of FOSS is turning in pretty debatable and certainly has to do very few with Freedom nor romanticism.
Competition and market are the ones that put the rules, everything else is heavenly music. only valid for some indie apps from particular devs.
Non freeware FOSS don’t exist, FOSS - Free Open Source Soft, is always free, but there are non freeware OpenSource apps, like eg. Proton VPN, which is OpenSource but not Freeware, only Freemium (server cost money), or also Filen, it’s also only Freemium OpenSource, if you need more than 10GB storage, you have to pay for it. There are also paid OpenSource apps without free version.
FOSS is always Freeware, but Freeware isn’t always FOSS. Freeware don’t mean other thing that the soft is free to use, nothing more.
If a soft or service is trustworth or not, only depends on the author and the community behind. Nothing worse and dangerous than a software unattended or abandoned by the author, more so if it is OpenSource, where it is easier than in closed source that an asshole add or modify some lines as a little gift,when there is nobody to control it. FOSS is great in new projects, because allow to an coope developement and the access of needed resources, but it isn’t necessarly sinonym of privacy and security, most APIs included in a huge amount of soft are OpenSourcemade by big companies, like Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Amazon and others and not precisely because privacy. Adding also a huge amount of FOSS made by these companies. The normal user only can relay on the TOS and PP, or audit the product with Blacklight, WebbKoll, DomainDigger and similar.