To be fair though, this is about the easiest prediction you could possibly make. I don’t think anyone expects this thing to come in under $400 even in a world where there aren’t tariffs looming in the distance.
To be fair though, this is about the easiest prediction you could possibly make. I don’t think anyone expects this thing to come in under $400 even in a world where there aren’t tariffs looming in the distance.
That engine is ancient and their game design needs an upgrade. A lot of the quests were so bland in Starfield that I watched the credits to see how many designers they had on them. It was like…6. Thousands of planets, 6 quest designers. If your quest is, “go here, push a button, and come back,” just don’t bother putting the quest in the game.
Likewise, Oblivion’s conversation system probably looked immaculate compared to old Elder Scrolls games at the time, but Starfield is outclassed next to Mass Effect 1 from 2007, not to mention The Witcher 3 or Baldur’s Gate 3. And for how much people like that their towns are filled with NPCs on a schedule, it would be nice if that system led to anything more sophisticated than the thieving tricks people used 20 years ago.
There it is with your two neurons again. But those neurons sure seem to be betraying you if they’re telling you this culture war bullshit was Microsoft’s doing or intention, or that Game Pass isn’t a material factor in this game’s success. For someone who claims to be so smart, that seems very dumb.
Gotcha. Yeah, I’d expect minimum mod support for this one, but if the next Bethesda game switches to Unreal along with this one, I’d expect normal support for modding that they usually provide.
Why? I’ve definitely installed mods for Unreal games.
I’m looking forward to having a new Advance Wars that benefits Nintendo in no way whatsoever and works on my platform of choice.
Just putting their own games on the platform would be money down the drain if their goal was to make ARM a viable gaming platform (just look at Apple), but games that small are low-hanging fruit, for sure.
This remake is allegedly going to be in Unreal. Even if ES6 is in Creation, their next project can move to something better.
Yeah, that’s what I mean. It needs to be compatible and performant enough to come close to what x64 does even with the extra layer in the way.
Gaming on ARM is going to have a steep hill to climb until there’s a Proton-esque compatibility layer. Why would I try to use an ARM machine to play games when its library is miniscule and new x64 machines have shrunk the power per watt gap?
Or, perhaps optimistically, it’s to prepare themselves to transition off of their absurdly dated engine.
They told people to play it on Game Pass, and that’s where people played it. Mimdgame is about as reliable as divination (source: Viri4thus) even though it’s in line with what we can measure for Indiana Jones and Call of Duty? 6M (a two week old number) is about 1/6 of Game Pass’s subscriber base. Although I guess it’s more like 5.5 since they probably sold a little less than half a million by now.
Give me an example of an Obsidian RPG romance option where the character becomes a yes person?
It’s not an opinion I hold. It’s an opinion that Obsidian developers have seemingly held for a long time. They’d be likely to try to avoid the things that they criticize romanceable NPCs for.
Do you actually enjoy video games? I’ve only ever seen you being miserable and claiming that you don’t enjoy the ones you’re talking about because you’re just too darn smart to enjoy them.
The numbers are an 81 on Open Critic, 77% positive on Steam player reviews, and about 6M people played, mostly through Game Pass.
There is a large contingent of people who don’t like romance mechanics in their RPGs, often for the reasons she states in the article. Obsidian doesn’t do it often in general.
The likeliest explanation is that games press lie about how good games are and not that they just have a different opinion than you? Also, this isn’t even a major outlet. It’s just some guy’s blog, not even exclusively about games.
To be fair to the author, I knew the AAA game publishers were ticking time bombs too, and it took like 6-8 years longer than I thought for them to start seeing major declines in their increasingly homogeneous offerings.
We had a discussion thread on this article here back when it was new, and the same criticisms of the article remain.
If consoles cease to exist as we know them because they just became PCs, then what does that mean for a console war?
Tell that to PC’s growth and consoles’ decline. Plus the new Xboxes mentioned in this very article are seeking to be exactly that, much like what the Steam Deck does today. It will play PC games but will be called an Xbox.
I’ve had this too.
I don’t think they want to sell the company. I think the family that owns the majority of it is doing everything possible to stay in control of the company called Ubisoft, regardless of how many of their IPs they still have left when the dust settles.