We’ll just having some copyright look like?
We’ll just having some copyright look like?
I think 5 years is a bit short.
They are US based right?
So they literally do whatever they want anyway regardless of what any law might say.
The very definition of the solution looking for a problem that one.
Oh look I don’t have to put the keys in the ignition that saved me a whole tenth of a second. Of course now it’s possible to lose my keys in my own car.
No you just don’t understand the metaphor.
If electric cars cannot be sold, If for example they were actually illegal, then how do you sell electric cars? If
If you have to use the Safari engine for everything and the Safari engine doesn’t support a particular feature, then there is no way to use that feature on iOS. You can’t develop a workaround because the work around would require you to have access to arbitrary system commands, and that’s not how web development works.
For example, there is absolutely no way to implement notifications on iOS without iOS support for web notifications, without that API there is no way to interface with the operating system. There is no way you can build workaround code for that.
Does it still do that thing where it claims to support a feature but then when you actually try and use it it turns out that it doesn’t work? I remember ut used to have a problem with masonry layouts, where it claimed to support them but if you actually used it, it just ignored you and used floats of all things for everything instead.
I thought they lost the court battle about that and were told that they had to actually allow other engines, but I haven’t heard anything else since then.
I remember reading an article in .net magazine (now apparently defunct) about IE6 and how it was holding back the web. This sort of thing has been going on for ages the problem isn’t crap browsers the problem is crap browsers being dominant. Equally dominant browsers aren’t a problem unless they’re also bad.
So I’m not really all that bothered about Chrome, it’s fairly feature complete and although there are other reasons to not like it, lack of support for the latest standards isn’t one of them. Safari however has been truly awful for a very very long time now. They’ve been memes about how bad it is for well over a decade.
So like 75% to the population of Texas and Florida then. It’s all right, I don’t live there
You don’t seem to be getting it. Where is the fiber coming from? These properties almost certainly have only copper the whole way, so in order to upgrade them to decent internet they would have to completely relay the fiber line, and unlike copper, fiber requires electricity so then they have to lay an electrical line as well. It’s like a whole thing.
It’s only economically viable to do that when there’s going to be a large population density at the other end for small rural locations it really isn’t worth it.
Your opinion is not unpopular, it is simply uninformed.
the games and cards are fuelled by nostalgia and gambling addictions.
You flip-flopped real fast on your principles there I see.
Have they discovered terrain yet, or is the landscape still a flat plane?
I will never understand Nintendo.
They make a console that is underpowered but is still marketable because of its uniqueness, then they make first party games that require better performance than the console can deliver.
According to the dwarf fortress developer the hard part isn’t the code exactly it’s the graphics which is why he doesn’t bother with them.
I’ve read from a few people who’ve done similar sorts of things that the solution to this problem is to just have everything track everything to begin with. Hunger level, heart rate, mood, everything you can possibly think of to track, and then just have everything else inherit from that global class. A lot of the values will be zero for some objects, but that’s okay, after all a storage crate doesn’t need a mood, both at some point in the future maybe you want to add an emotional box, and your code will definitely handle it now. Otherwise you have to go back in and alter everything every time you make a slight change.
Yes that was the bug. After all it makes sense that cats would clean their paws and get a bit of alcohol in their bodies. Kind of bizarre to think though that the system was sophisticated enough to track grooming behavior but not quantity.
It really goes to show how stupid computers actually are. They just follow your instructions regardless of how insane they may be
I don’t imagine you get enough power from a gyro to be worth the added complexity. Plus of course if you never stopped working you would need an alternate way to charge it which means you still need an external power supply even if only for emergencies.
I think the guy that had it for 100 days went back to being the science officer.
Their are villages in rural England who don’t have fiber. It wouldn’t be cost-effective delay it for the six customers that require it.
I suppose it would encourage George Martin to get a move on. Otherwise you could set stories in his universe before he finished writing the third book. I still think 5 years is too short though.