There is no purpose to mislabeling something and speaking inaccurately in a professional setting.
There is no purpose to mislabeling something and speaking inaccurately in a professional setting.
I got swirlied by an FPGA
It’s like how some infinite are greater / less than others, sure you might say that each one uniquely sucks, but spend a month trying to build something with say, Salesforce’s language, and you’ll come to appreciate how there are still tiers to it… much, much lower tiers.
Yeah, I associate Matlab with my physicist friends, my engineers friends either dont program, or already became software developers.
Oh I can use threads and recursion to stop CPU usage.
They’re joking. js doesn’t even officially stand for JavaScript due to Oracle’s IP claim over the JavaScript name.
No, it’s not. It’s objectively inaccurate.
A computer does not care whether the instructions it’s executing were compiled ahead of time or interpreted on the fly and they literally never have.