well, yes. I don’t think a government can completely align with the values of the people it dominates, they are inherently shitty, but shittiness is a spectrum.
and yes, that is what the CIA is for. that, and cocaine trafficking.
well, yes. I don’t think a government can completely align with the values of the people it dominates, they are inherently shitty, but shittiness is a spectrum.
and yes, that is what the CIA is for. that, and cocaine trafficking.
there are cases where this is more or less true. I think the less democratic/representative and more oppressive a government, the less fair it is to group a people with their regime. the saudis have an absolute monarchy that bone-saws journalists in foreign countries.
which probably fucks up their culture something awful, but not in the same ways their government is monstrous.
it literally is a safety issue. people are going to die over this. it’s just not illegal.
cringe cyberpunk. worst genre to live in. at least in the grim darkness of the future you can admit how bad it is.
wait, are you saying that there’s this class that are the beneficiaries of governments and laws, and it’s the same as the class that doesn’t suffer any limitations when they do stuff that the governments and laws don’t like?
and that we’re in this other class, that the laws and stuff exist to punish, but has to fund them and pay for them, or we get punished for that too?
that’s fucking crazy.
nothing he did was wrong.
yeah it’s pretty crazy. almost like government is for some things and not others, and knows it, like maybe laws were always just an excuse and tool for victim blaming. or something.
I think he’s an easy target, and whether you think he’s culpable or not, he’s very visible, and taking him down in every possible way is a good thing.
your honor, I would move to dismiss on grounds that my clients actions were based as fuck.
agreements with americans are worth nothing. why keep your promises to them? they will not keep theirs to you. this whole shit show started because americans do not keep promises.
so, I don’t know if the shit hole made anything WORTH copying, but why respect american intellectual property? you know americans don’t respect yours. copy NVIDIA’s CUDA shit, if that’s efficient. fuck em.
AI would be great. AI could probably do a lot of human jobs.
large language models are not AI. please stop calling them that. they’re literally the same kind of algorithm your phone keyboard uses for autocorrect, but scaled way up with a bunch of recursion. start typing, then let autocorrect fill in a few sentences. this is just a fancier, not even much more sophisticated, version of that.
this isn’t about efficiency. this is about looting and lying. it’s about fucking up peoples lives, overwhelming them and frustrating them on a daily basis so they are too exhausted to care whats true, what’s human, or anything else but what daddy tells them.
yeah brave always felt gross and i remember them doing shady crap for years.
no other parts though. the tits themselves for example are not special. only in the aggregate, and more so in some outfits than others.