Technically they can also store what I said, but yes, in fact it appears they don’t.
Technically they can also store what I said, but yes, in fact it appears they don’t.
Did it ever respond to those “requests”? What would Signal have anyway other than phone number to login association.
I’ve read recently that Poland’s GDP per capita will soon surpass that of Japan.
Stereotypes from 70s and 80s and even 90s, when you think about it, were repeated and prolonged and perpetuated by the Internet, and the mass media, and the whole climate of 90s+. They weren’t so solid when they existed. It was the reality, but the reality changes.
I mean, even in my childhood (born in 1996, so not too old) it didn’t seem so weird that such things will happen in future, but the further the less likely it seemed.
Now somehow everyone treats it as strange that Sony slowly sinks too.
If they weren’t, they’d probably already made a PSP Slim form factor portable PC with a Unix-like OS, general-purpose, ignoring what everyone does with Android and iOS and such tomfoolery, it would be popular even if said OS would be a walled garden worse than Apple’s. Or maybe some other form factor, point being - Sony is that company that always had perfect ergonomics, they’d think of something, and very virtuous hardware engineering, so again they’d think of something.
What they are doing instead - sigh.
Tech that will allow to murder all Sunni combatants in the world, tech that will allow to murder all monarchs in the world, tech that will allow to murder all politicians in the biggest countries …
OK, ancap is not the left, it’s just that I feel that without ancap “balance of violence” idea there’s not much to say of the left, and with anarchist left it should kinda align.
Because I’m just not interested with the colored-hair polyamorous UBI left, if these 3 things are more important for it than what is being done for their taxes in their name.
I take it he hasn’t heard about “hiding things in the open”.
That would be, for example, using a constant of some near year in “end time” column meaning unfinished action.
Or just making some part that will inevitably have to be changed - “write-only”, as in unreadable. Or making documentation of what he did bad enough in some necessary places that people would have to ask him.
So many variants, and such obvious stupidity.
I think the early rounds of those trying to get people to switch to the format were motivated by the fact that tapes were easily recordable by everyone.
Tapes tear and require mechanical parts. But it wouldn’t happen were there not commercial interest.
Ultra brings memories, but Sun was better than Apple.
Though having said that, Sun was kinda greedy too and their hardware was about the same degree of proprietary as Apple’s.
Aesthetically Sun was amazing, though, and Apple is tasteless, aimed at plebes (technically Julius Caesar was from a plebe noble family, but nobody thinks in such nuance or that plebe noble family is a thing).
Google funding allows them to be big and inefficient, which means a lot of tops paid well and thinking themselves fashionable FOSS leader people or something.
They can live without it. They’ll have to cut most of the organization and return to being an open project developing a web browser.
That doesn’t sound cool for people not doing useful work. Like me, I’ll get to my shit instead of typing comments.
So not just they pirated them, which may or may not be a crime and where I may or may not be impartial, but they are also leeches who would be banned on any decent torrent tracker of the olden days.
Chrome is the exact thing they shouldn’t keep. Their main weapon together with the search engine.
Anything but Chrome.
So apparently some people think Signal can’t see to which number they send that registration confirmation SMS.
Humanity isn’t worth it, these apes are doomed.