Arf! I’m Tony Bark. Artist and writer by day. Programmer by night. Gamer all the way.
I read the headline up until “he has made Apple what it is” and then I was, like…
Can’t have their pretty little cars show a single dent.
Yeah, no kidding. Quite impressed.
To be fair, it was made with duct tape and string.
It’s like TF2 but with tanks.
That’s just priceless. XD
Wait, wha!?
The Sims 3: K-Pop Stuff Pack.
I mean, yeah. Just don’t tend not to lump the older ones in it because of how awful the practice has become since the phrase was formalized.
While graphics generally aren’t important, they do become a glaring problem when the engine is poorly written. Pokémon Sword and Shield shed light on this problem because it was designed as an 3D open world game, meaning attention to detail was paramount. It needed to feel lived in, much like Breath of the Wild. Unfortunately, we got a barren and flat landscape that feels like it was ripped straight out of the DS.
Seems more like Sims 3-style, but if you cranked up the graphics up to 11.
You have to have a certain amount of bravery and humility to program because failure is with you at every step of the way. I know. I do this shit as a hobby.
Games are very difficult software to create. The only reason publishers like EA or Ubisoft can get away with pumping theirs out at an rapid (and unhealthy) pace is because they have a massive team
checks Seems games as a service model that we know today really picked up steam at around the late 2010s. So, yeah…
Now there’s a name I haven’t heard in a hot minute.
If the only pre-live service MMORPG still going strong.
Oh, I didn’t realize this was posted earlier. Thumbnail gave the wrong impression.
I wish that option was the default in Firefox.