• 1 Post
Joined 29 days ago
Cake day: February 13th, 2025


  • AI is about as useful as when there was a movement to take away human assistants to troubleshoot issues and replacing them all with centralized hubs. These hubs are built with the assumption that they will answer everything and anything people have a concern with. However, their fundamental flaw is that they don’t cover every base and people are left with limited options. They can forget it and just live with it. They can just go through a few more hoops until they’re talking with a human.

    And this kind of over-reliance on AI is what will turn people off from it. I’m seeing AI implemented in places where nobody asked it for it to be implemented in. Whereas, there are missed opportunities for AI to be implemented in but aren’t for some reason.

    AI in of itself isn’t an entirely bad thing. It is just once again, another great idea, ruined by blind executors in big tech that just don’t get it.

  • This is the list, for those who don’t want to read it. I don’t see Adguard Adblocker on there, surprisingly or SponsorBlock. Besides UBlock Origin, which is a staple extension of mine for all browsers and we’ve long knew about Google’s approach to that. I haven’t seen a lot of what I use/used on here. I don’t even know most of these.

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