Where did I ever say or imply that Chrome is the only option? A lot of you just misinterpret me on purpose, downvote parade galore just to stomp all over someone to make yourselves feel good about it. God, people really are this fucking stupid.
Where did I ever say or imply that Chrome is the only option? A lot of you just misinterpret me on purpose, downvote parade galore just to stomp all over someone to make yourselves feel good about it. God, people really are this fucking stupid.
AI is about as useful as when there was a movement to take away human assistants to troubleshoot issues and replacing them all with centralized hubs. These hubs are built with the assumption that they will answer everything and anything people have a concern with. However, their fundamental flaw is that they don’t cover every base and people are left with limited options. They can forget it and just live with it. They can just go through a few more hoops until they’re talking with a human.
And this kind of over-reliance on AI is what will turn people off from it. I’m seeing AI implemented in places where nobody asked it for it to be implemented in. Whereas, there are missed opportunities for AI to be implemented in but aren’t for some reason.
AI in of itself isn’t an entirely bad thing. It is just once again, another great idea, ruined by blind executors in big tech that just don’t get it.
If the Fediverse can avoid one big problem with other social media platforms and that is having a power-tripping owner destroy it. If any of the Fediverse platforms can avoid that one thing and manage to keep it’s values in check, then it’s no contest to avoid the other social media platforms.
I’m going to assume you’re one of the downvoters and anyone else in this chain. I’m going to now auto-block. Bye.
The downvotes are idiotic fanboys who faithfully clutch Firefox like rosary beads because it isn’t chrome.
Why the fuck would anyone imply that I think Chrome is any better? It only tells me they’re fucking morons.
Why the hell would anyone defend Firefox/Mozilla anymore? Why, because they aren’t google? That’s a weaker argument the more times Mozilla finds ways to distrust their userbase.
Then again, so has the search engines themselves been proven to be wrong, inaccurate and just plain irrelevant. I’ve asked questions in Google before about things I need to know in general about my state out of curiosity and it’s results always pull up different states that do not apply to mine.
Found another uneducated one.
Or just use a fork of firefox. Firefox isn’t looking very favorable lately.
You’re not interested in debating because you’re scared of being shown how wrong you are. Don’t say anything if you don’t wish to debate anyone, it’s an open forum, in case you forgot. You don’t dictate the rules.
It is that way because it has been that way. That is reality and you continue to deny it, I’ve no time for you.
Blue states will pass them.
Red states won’t.
This is the list, for those who don’t want to read it. I don’t see Adguard Adblocker on there, surprisingly or SponsorBlock. Besides UBlock Origin, which is a staple extension of mine for all browsers and we’ve long knew about Google’s approach to that. I haven’t seen a lot of what I use/used on here. I don’t even know most of these.
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This is not a bug, this is a feature. An intended feature.