It’s copyright, not copywrite—you know, the right to copy. Copywriting is what ad people do. And what does this have to do with the PATRIOT Act?
It’s copyright, not copywrite—you know, the right to copy. Copywriting is what ad people do. And what does this have to do with the PATRIOT Act?
any book ever written
Damn! Which library are you going to?!
Lack of port-forwarding is a deal-breaker, unfortunately.
“Too strict” how? I don’t know what’s “usable” for you.
So, um, which VPN does the bandwagon like?
FireDragon, Zen Browser, and LibreWolf. Zen feels like a streamlined Chrome.
Zen is worth checking out. It isn’t my favorite, but it’s trying to do some cool stuff. It might eventually become my favorite once it becomes more stable.
Right now, I’m digging FireDragon. It has two sidebars: one vertical tab bar and one for gadgets. And the vertical tab bar collapses to icons when you aren’t hovering over it.
And if you don’t like Firefox, use one of the Firefox forks. Some of them are very Chrome-like.
Speaking of Firefox forks… they’re doing some really cool things with FireDragon and Zen Browser.
Kind of, but not really. It’s more like Musk is doing Trump’s dirty work for him so that when the shit hits the fan, he gets the blame instead of Trump.
It’s been an ad company for a long time, though, and blocking ad blockers is new.
In 2025, that’s like saying “Hey, we should go back to Myspace!” Myspace did a complete makeover, too. Does anybody care? No.
Sequel was a whole different language.
I thought Sequel was an earlier version of SQL. That’s what I remember reading when I looked it up.
Leave it to cryptos to make simple things stupidly difficult. This whole piece you quoted was hilarious, but this part especially stuck out for me:
The base protocol doesn’t use tokens, which lets people who don’t have interest in cryptocurrency (yet) use it for free
I didn’t see the word “blockchain” anywhere.
What if it’s out of print?