What are we going to do about it?
Sorry for the Google Translate Link. An easy alternative is much appreciated.
Edit: thanks to @[email protected] for this translation alternative: https://translate.kagi.com/translate/https://www.xataka.com/servicios/foros-internet-estan-desapareciendo-porque-ahora-todo-reddit-discord-eso-preocupante
My problem with forums is that they spiral out of control. Forum lovers see this as a huge plus but I’m not reading 1700 pages (not posts) of bullshit across three posts just to get to the current info.
Any time I see
At the bottom of a post I just click off the website and go somewhere else.
You don’t have to read everything posted over the entire history of the forum. Old threads are kept so that when you need information they contain, you can find them with search, not with the expectation that new people are going to read all of them before posting.
i do, especially with a forum i am on after i was banned from reddit, its was discussing how people were recently banne dand how to evade it.