Damn, kernal level anti cheat on linux? Not good :(
Where do it say that?
eBPF allows for programs to run in the kernel level. This could potentially be used to make kernal level anti cheats.
Cause Microsoft’s history with security has been stellar so far.
Lol and Microsoft just caused a global outage with this kind of thing (Crowdstrike)
I’m too dumb to understand what this is. Can someone give me an ELI5? thanks.
Based on my findings, I think it’s a debugging and inspecting library for machine learning classifiers.
no, ELI5 means explain like I’m five. It means to dumb something down so people like me can comprehend.
Oh. xD I’ve never seen that abbreviation before.
No, this has nothing to do with machine learning.
eBPF is a technology that allows you to modify how a system works in a very deep way, while also being very fast. This is neat, but also opens new attack vectors. Signature verification helps you ensure that you’re only loading eBPF programs that you trust.
Theoretically at least.
I get it. Misinterpreted the question when I saw “ELI5.”
Oh lol, sorry!
No worries. xD
Yea they have to ban the contributor who proposed this.