I absolutely love wiki walking through random obscure fan wikis, but I hate how most are on Fandom.
I think a federated wiki solution makes sense. I could see it as an evolution of the interwiki concept.
I absolutely love wiki walking through random obscure fan wikis, but I hate how most are on Fandom.
I think a federated wiki solution makes sense. I could see it as an evolution of the interwiki concept.
https://ibis.wiki/ ?
Thanks for linking my project. Im happy to answer questions about it. Also here you can find the git repo.
This looks interesting.
Seems like it’s still early days yet, but are there plans to add things like namespaces and categories?
For now my focus is to make it federate with Lemmy and the rest of the Fediverse. But you’re welcome to open an issue for that kind of feature.
This looks very awesome. So it also functions as a redundant wiki?
Wikipedia should use it. Then others can create their own wikis, which keep a version of articles of Wikipedia.
Its similar to Lemmy in many ways, so like Lemmy posts are redundantly mirrored across instances, the same is true for Ibis articles.
Getting Wikipedia federated would be great, but it will take a long time for Ibis to be ready for that scale.
Can ibis import a full Wikipedia backup?
There is an API so you could write a script to import any kind of data.
It wouod be amazing to see Ibis take off and pick up more developers
This is the answer.
Seems like there is a federated solution for everything lol
There’s also a list of ActivityPub software on Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ActivityPub#Software_using_ActivityPub
Nah… Missing IMHO:
Strava like: FitTrackee and Endurain are planning to implement ActivityPub so yah there’s gonna to be one IMDB like: NeoDB and LibRate Not sure about the rest
thank you! I will keep an eye on those
[email protected]
These seem kind of ideal for a federated network, IMO.
I actually think Lemmy would be a pretty decent format for something stackoverflow like - just maybe needs to UI tweaks to minimise the visual space that replies take up, plus maybe answered post flair
There’s https://codeberg.org/flohmarkt/flohmarkt for a marketplace.
I’m really missing something like https://yrpri.org/domain/3
Thanks, I saw that flohmakrt link in another comment too. Excellent!
Does that yrpri site work well?
It’s been around for many years now and famously was used in the consultations for the constitution of Iceland. We also used it in Bulgaria back in 2013 and had a community of more than 3000 users, but it lost traction due to being ignored by politicians and controversial debates.
You can see more recent activity on https://www.citizens.is/ , particularly the impact and news sections.
I wonder if they would be interested in implementing ActivityPub?