I know firefox has the very useful “Copy clean Link” option in the context menu, but I would like a similar feature for copying links from any other software, like spotify for example. So I am looking for some software that hooks into the clipboard pipeline, and cleans any URL that gets added. I tried googling for something like it, but was completely unsuccessful. Does anyone have a clue how I might go about achieving this?
Thanks in advance :)
Edit: I found out about klipper
’s actions, which provide the option to run a command when a string that matches a regex is added to the clipboard buffer. I am not sure how to properly use this though, so any help is appreciated!
I wish that option was the default in Firefox.
It rarely ever does anything in my experience.
Anyway, I built a URL-cleaning script in AutoHotkey, but that’s Windows-only; I, too, am on the hunt for a Linux equivalent. Maybe this could be done in SikuliX or Espanso, via a Python script, but I suck at Python so far.
It’s never worked for me either. The ClearURLs addon has a function to copy a clean URL and that works great though. It’s open source, so maybe someone could turn its cleaning function into a program that could be used for the clipboard.
Hmm. Thanks, though I’m seeking universal /offline so if I get URLs in other platforms, I won’t have to turn to the browser to purge them of junk. Or maybe this could be converted into a standalone program…