That’s not much of a whistleblower. Everyone already assumed that was the case I suppose it’s nice to have confirmation.
I imagine they went to the news trying to get this published and everyone was like, “well yeah”. That’s why the story is being broken by this absolute juggernaut of a media outlet
TIL Gizmodo is now owned by a european (Swiss-French) company:
Color me not shocked.
Here come the “ask it about Tiananmen Square” comments from your alcoholic uncle in his pit vipers
That’s what happened to John Stewarts show on Apple as well. Apple wanted to censor him talking about China, as well as other issues.
ChineseAny GovernmentHonestly, corporations don’t give a fuck about values. There’s only one thing they care: making money. They are the ultimate whores for money. Only way to hurt them is by boycotting their products and services.
Yeah, I’m a little surprised this is something we needed a whistleblower for.